Damian King

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How to be more successful with your goals and avoid being a self-righteous twat

It’s dark, cold and it’s only 5.30 am on a Sunday morning. What the fuck I’m I doing up at this hour you might ask? Last night was yet another night out where I enjoyed a beautiful evening, returned home and didn’t pass out in a drunken stupor on the couch. In fact, after returning home for the evening I watched some TV, replied to some emails, and sorted out a few bits of preparation for today (Sunday). 

How to be more successful with your goals and avoid failure

I caught up with some YouTube videos I had wanted to watch and came across a video by a guy called Leon something or other. The title caught my eye “Quitting Alcohol For a Year”. I tend not to watch these types of videos because they can become quite preachy and self-righteous. I also have no desire to be part of the “alcohol-free” community. I don’t like labels and high and mighty groups who condemn others for doing what “the group” used to do, but no longer does.

What’s worse - a vegan or ex-smoker?

The same goes for vegans - your diet, your life, your choice. But don’t harp on and tell everyone else that they're wrong for eating meat. I see strength in numbers and it’s human nature to want to belong to a tribe. In modern times we form groups, communities and meet ups to embrace one's similarities and lifestyle preferences.

I also see a weakness, insomuch as becoming little more than a sheep with a pack mentality. Just because you chose not to eat meat or animal products doesn’t mean you have to wage war on everyone else who doesn’t share your dietary or lifestyle preferences. Why do you have to label yourself as a vegan, tea total or whatever to trending word is.

Why feel the need to become, when you can just be?

In the restaurant I was in last night, my girlfriend told the waitress “we don’t drink” and I grimaced when she said it. I could see why she did it as it was something like the third time she had declined the offer of a drink. But it didn’t sit right with me.

I’m 7 months into not drinking for a year. But I don't class myself as a non-drinker. I simply didn’t fancy a drink at that particular moment in time. I went completely meat-free for a while a few years ago but never called myself a vegetarian. I simply chose not to eat meat at that particular moment in time.

I’ve posted a few time about not drinking mainly in blog posts and the odd social media post. But I don’t post daily updates.


Because you’re lining yourself up to fail. Harping on everyday about not drinking, not eating meat or being on a diet and losing another pound or two is a constant reminder of what you can’t do, or can’t have. You’re subconsciously telling yourself you can’t do or have something in your life which for the best part enjoyed - booze, food, or drug of choice.

Notice how it's mostly fat people who drink diet coke? Read into that what you will.

Power comes from being in complete control of your actions. It gives you an inner confidence that fills you with an abundance of power. The power to make not only conscious decisions in life but also the right decision.

That my friends is called strength. That is the epitome of designing your ideal lifestyle, your ideal future. Without control over your actions and decision making, life simply happens to you. You fail to narrate the narrative in your life.