Everybody in the City is Microdosing With Psychedelics

Entrepreneurs, bankers, analysts...even doctors, they're all at it. The City's “not so little secret” is out! Everybody in the City is microdosing.

The City is changing, and it's happening faster than the 80’s heyday of male dominated power lunches and pinstripe suites, where deals were just as likely to be struck in private members clubs and strip joints, as they would be in the boardroom.

Nowadays, there is just as much chance of a deal being struck in a 6am Hot Yoga or lunchtime Spin class. The dynamics of the City are changing. Especially amongst the capitals switched on workers.

Bigger vision thinking has become all the rage over the last few years. Personal Development has become less “hands in the air” wishy washy, and spirituality has come a long way from the days of joss sticks and dreadlocks. There’s so much openness surrounding topics focusing on our ego, consciousness, and our mind-body connection.

Many people cite this as being down to the emergence and awareness of plant based medicines such as DMT (Dimethaltrihptomine), and Psilocybin - AKA magic mushrooms. People are using these medicines and having psychedelic experiences (or therapy) in controlled environments to help them become more effective in the workplace and ultimately happier in life.

My First DMT Experience - Read it here

Psychedelics and plant based medicines are finally being recognised for the huge potential they can offer from a cognitive perspective. This is not a new thing. Over in the Bay Area of San Francisco, where it is awash with people in the Tech scene, microdosing has been a popular method of enhancing creativenesses and increasing cognitive performance for several years.

It might surprise you to know, that there has been a huge rise in popularity of plant based medicines in the Tel Aviv media and tech scene. Looks like the infamous Israeli backpackers are swapping the shores of India for South America and heading back home with their newfound knowledge of psychedelics and putting it to good use.

Have we seen psychedelic medicines impact London’s financial hub?

In the underground world of London’s psychedelic and cognitive communities, ceremonies can take place anywhere from hip and trendy warehouses in East London, through to plush private residences in Notting Hill.

Although, I'm not sure it's quite the secret it used to be.

I've heard people openly discussing their DMT ceremony in Starbucks, like it was as casual as a gym session or visit to the barbers. The main thing I see happening is that once someone has had an experience with the likes of Ayahuasca or DMT, peoples ego's start to dissolve and they end up not giving a fuck about the trivial things in life. They become more aware of their thoughts and surroundings.

Suddenly “I” dissolves and “We” evolves...

Take that mindset into the boardroom and it can be a huge asset to have at your disposal.

If only they could hold a ceremony in the House of Commons - Brexit would have been so much simpler. - Damian King

Communities in London are serviced with some great gatherings and ceremonies catering for all preferences. Deep spiritual journeys for those looking to embrace nature and work on the chakra healing system, through to shorter "less fluffy" affairs which focuses more on cognitive performance and productivity. A big thing for many people looking to get an advantage in life and business.

Typically, a session lasts around 45/90 minutes and are extremely popular with high performers working in the City. There are a couple of Central London practitioners who offer 30/45 minute private sessions.

What are the benefits?

Imagine how much faster and efficient your computer would run if you defragmented the hardrive and cleared out all the files, apps and crap that didn't serve you.

How a DMT ceremony inspired me to walk over 2,500 miles across India

Now imagine doing the same thing with your brain. Suddenly your mindset improves, you stop procrastinating, feel less stressed and your ego dissolves giving you more clarity in life. You can compartmentalise things better, which ultimately leads to you being able to recall things quicker, and with ease. You learn to ask better questions of yourself and those of others.

How much more effectively do you think you would be able to perform at work, switch off, relax and enjoy life?


It would be foolish of me not to put up the prerequisite disclaimer - I do not condone the use of drugs in anyway shape or form. When I pose theories and ask questions it's always for "a mate", OK?

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Main image credit to the guys over at Inverse