Posts in Personal Development
Calling All Drinkers: is Alcohol Impacting Your Life Negatively?

I’d grafted for 14 hours to get to my destination for the day. I’d had a nightmare week, like you wouldn’t believe and I was seriously considering my options. I arrived late, but thankfully the hotel had a rather nice restaurant and bar. “Go on old boy you deserve it” I said to myself, so without hesitation, I called; “namaskha bhai; Kingfisher kitna rupee?” In my strange Hindlish accent.

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You Can't Make Progress in Life Until You Have "Done the Work"

I recently posted my Top 5 book recommendations, which prompted a lot of emails from people suggesting books I might like to read and people who I might like to follow (always very much appreciated). But, by far the most popular question asked was, what I personally took from each of the books I recommended?

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Hard Hitting Advice For Men Going Through a Rough Patch

You have just been let go from your job, your girlfriend has dumped you, or maybe you’ve just found out that the average penis length isn’t 3.5 inches. We all go through rough patches and sometimes the last thing we want is advice. Especially the type that is of no use to us whatsoever. You know the type...

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Create Your Own Adventure: Life advice you can do without.

As an intrepid traveller for many years, I’ve always been amazed at how the most forthright advice comes from those who can I put it?... never actually done, been, seen or experienced the very thing they are giving YOU advice on. I'm sure they mean well, for the best part anyhow. But you should certainly let their two-bobs worth go in one ear and out the other. While smiling and nodding your head obviously. 

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My digital detox turned me into a condeceding vegan... WTF

A while back, I took a break from social media for seven days and to say it was impactful would be an understatement. Better sleep, improved concentration, and an increased feeling of wellbeing. But the main takeaway for me, was the fact that I was pleased with myself for taking a conscious decision to stop something I knew was affecting me in a negative way

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