Posts in Create Your Own Adventure
Kashmir to Kanyakumari - I’ve actually Walked Over 4,000 Kilometres WTF

As I crossed the finish line at Kanyakumari I was filled with elation and emotion. I had tears of joy streaming down my face. My girlfriend was waiting for me at the finish line arms outstretched. There was a large crowd of locals gathered waving flags, cheering me on and embracing the grandeur of my amazing accomplishment

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Robbed at Knifepoint in India By Drug Crazed Locals

Do I or don’t I? That is the question I’ve pondered for the last week or so.  The reality is I’m an all or nothing kinda guy and honesty (and bluntness) runs through my veins. The long and short of it is, I got robbed just over a week ago and also fell foul to the corrupt Indian police. The less said about them the better at this stage.

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Why Are The People of Kashmir So Unfriendly, Aggressive & Dishonest?

I’ve been fortunate to have travelled all over the world and had the good fortune to have met some amazing people. People who I suspected might resent Westerners for one reason or another. Cambodia and Vietnam for example. People’s whose lives have been torn apart by war and conflict at the hands of the West, well, America to be fair.

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Create Your Own Adventure - Leh to Kanyakumari is NOT Happening!

A while ago I wrote a post with the headline reading - Create Your Own Adventure, Srinagar to Kanyakumari is cancelled. It wasn't click bait, far from it. It was the truth. Terrorists had planted a suicide bomber amongst a convoy of police transportation along the Srinagar highway which killed forty people.

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24 Hours in Delhi, India in Black & White Photos

ake away the modern scooters and Vodaphone advertising that saturates the landscape of India and certain parts of Delhi could easily be mistaken for something out the 1950s. So I took it upon myself to take you back in time with a selection of black and white images taken within the first 24 hours of arriving in India.

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Create Your Own Adventure - Srinagar to Kanyakumari Cancelled

I have been getting such conflicting information as to how safe it would be for me, as a foreigner with no support, to walk through the valleys and highways in the Jammu and Kashmir region, that it would have been a complete gamble for me to take. It’s with deep regret that I’ve had to cancel…

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Trekking and adventure in the magical land of India

If truth be told, if someone had mentioned a trip to India, I would have been the first in the line. I could go on for hours about why I love the country so much. That said, it would take me just as long to list the things I hate about the country. India will forever be the country that so many non-Indians hold in their heart and yet equally as many fail to see the attraction.

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