Robbed at Knifepoint in India By Drug Crazed Locals
Do I or don’t I? That is the question I’ve pondered for the last week or so. The reality is I’m an all or nothing kinda guy and honesty (and bluntness) runs through my veins.
The long and short of it is, I got robbed just over a week ago and also fell foul to the corrupt Indian police. The less said about them the better at this stage.
Robbed At Knifepoint in India By Drug Crazed Locals
This was the guy who set me up to be robbed. A policeman was driving this mans car to take us to the police station.
It was a bad experience committed by desperate men, clearly high on drugs. But, it’s put me in a really shitty mood that I just can’t seem to shake, and it’s cast a huge cloud of negativity over the Create Your Own Adventure India documentary.
I was hesitant to mention anything because I don’t want to paint a negative image of India.
It could have happened anywhere. My hometown of London see’s enough robberies and they’re passed off as an everyday occurrence.
I certainly don’t want to deter anyone from Creating their Own Adventure, especially if it constitutes travel, like mine. Nor do I want it to deter people from visiting India, because it’s a truly amazing place, filled with such friendly people.
This incident happened in the arse end of nowhere, in an area that seldom see’s outsiders, let along foreigners. Which might have something to do with the actions and attitude of the police.
The Indian Police….
I was driven to a remote abandoned building being used by the police - sketchy as fuck!
Well, the less said about them the better, because they are NOT people you want to upset, which I found out much to my detriment.
As I sit here writing this post, I’m still not particularly motivated to continue my journey. One day I’ll be ‘OK you got this’ and then the next I’m like ‘fuck this I’m going home’.
I have written and rewritten this blog post several times, going into details about the robbery, then taking it out. Mentioning certain things, and then taking them out. But, the fact is, it happened and I want to move on from it.
Not looking good after the nightmare that took place.
There’s a guy I have connected with via social media, who goes by the name Damo, he’s turned out to be a great source of motivation for me. Such an upbeat lad, that sometimes I feel like a miserable bastard when talking about my adventure (checkout Damo’s own recent adventure). He mentioned a book that I had read a long time ago, called
The Alchemist
I wasn't particularly sold on it when I first read it. It wasn't until some months later, that the penny dropped and I took some kind of lesson and insight from it. Damo reminded me that the main character got robbed on his journey, which didn’t make me feel any better about getting robbed myself. The character is after all, fictional. But, it did make me think about the incident from a different perspective.
A deeper meaning and message
I recall the book and main character is based on a young lad who goes on a pilgrimage and journey of life. The book is deep rooted in life lessons from which we all take different things.
It got me thinking…
Maybe I am an Alchemist, a holy man or even a modern day god?
I say that in jest of course, friends!
But, it did get me thinking that maybe, getting robbed was simply part of my journey.
I am, after all, alive and well to tell the tale. I do have an amazing adventure ahead of me. So I should look back and learn from it. How can the experience be turned into a positive?
Things I’ll take away from the experience.
Don’t walk through remote towns during the night.
Don’t talk to anyone if I do happen to be walking through remote towns during the night.
More than anything, I won’t let the action of others stop me from achieving my goals in life. A life lesson we can all implement in any situation.
If you want something so bad, don’t let anyone get in your way!
Have you had any scary incidents happen whist travelling? Leave a comment in the box below or hit me up on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram