Posts tagged travel
Weekly Roundup - The Lifestyle MOT, Travel Vlogs and Porn Stars

Is it just me that finds these irritating twats so irrelevant and an insult to humanity? It’s like society has bred a new breed of adult sized child, who has less integrity than a vegan who secretly gorges on foie gras. I call it the ‘TOWIE’ effect.

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Anthony Bourdain - Wearing a Mask of Masculinity

I could never understand the people that mourned for celebrities and public figures they had never met before. Admittedly, with all the famous faces who have passed away over the last couple of years, it has been a bit of an eye opener, a kick up the backside and certainly a reminder that life doesn’t last forever. 

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5 Things I Learnt When I Quit My Job to Travel the World

I can still remember the feeling when I packed the last of my belongings into The Big Yellow storage facility I had rented. I felt a slight apprehension and nervousness but also a feeling of freedom, knowing that for the next 12 months I didn't have a care in the world, at least from a work perspective anyhow. 

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