Posts in Create Your Own Adventure
Create Your Own Adventure: Top 5 Things I'll Miss in The UK

As I prepare to walk across the entire length of India, I find myself realising the true extent of the adventure that lays ahead. What the fuck have a let myself in for?  I won’t lie, I’m comfortable. Far too comfortable in fact. Life is good. I have no complaints whatsoever. My life is about to turned upside down the moment I step foot in the mad, crazy and magical country of India. 

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Create Your Own Adventure: Life advice you can do without.

As an intrepid traveller for many years, I’ve always been amazed at how the most forthright advice comes from those who can I put it?... never actually done, been, seen or experienced the very thing they are giving YOU advice on. I'm sure they mean well, for the best part anyhow. But you should certainly let their two-bobs worth go in one ear and out the other. While smiling and nodding your head obviously. 

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Welcome to india, proceed with caution

The initial excitement of my trip to India still burns strong. But, as the new year proceeds and the date of my departure draws closer, I have to say the enormity of this adventure has started to feel very real. The realisation that, as the UK winter brings colder temperatures our way, they won’t be a patch on the cold harshness and subzero temperatures I'll face when trekking alongside the mountains of Kashmir.

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